
  • Cadets

    Who:  Boys aged 8-13 (grade 3-8)

    When:  Mondays, 7-8:30 p.m., September-May.

    What: Bible study, badges, games, cub cars, winter sports day, and more!

  • Coffee Break

    Who:  Women of any age or background.

    When:  Wednesdays, 9:30-11 a.m., September-April/May.

    What:  Bible study, conversation, coffee, and snacks.


  • Friendship Club

    Who: Adults with intellectual disabilities.

    When: Every other Friday, 6:45-8 p.m., September-May.

    What: Bible stories, singing, games, crafts, movie nights, and more.

  • GEMS Girls Club

    Who:  Girls age 6-13 (grades 1-8).

    When:  Mondays, 7-8:30 p.m., September-May.

    What:  Bible study, badges, crafts, games, and more.

  • Vacation Bible School

    There will be no Vacation Bible School program in the summer of 2024.

  • Youth Group

    Who:  Teens age 14-17 (grades 9-12)

    When: Not currently meeting

    What:  Discussion evenings, games nights, and fun outings (laser tag, trampoline park, etc).